MetPod Engineering
Meteorological calculators - Automatic Weather Station design - Sensor interfacing

Here you will find some details about automatic weather station (AWS) design based on a Raspberry Pi micro processor acting as an 'internet of things (IoT)' device and running in a docker container hosted on Balena OS embedded operating system. The design shown here can accommodate various types of professional sensors. Data is sent to the cloud (AWS IoT) as well as to other online services and you can view this data under the 'Live weather' page.
Within the website you will also find a selection of tools for calculating various atmospheric diagnostics and I hope you find them useful. If you have any suggestions for additional calculations please let me know.
Meteorology is an exciting and broad ranging environment, it includes work in the engineering, software development and scientific research fields and directly impacts many aspects of modern life. If you'd like to find out more I would suggest looking at the website of the Royal Meteorological Society.
Mark Baker FRMetS RMet
MetPod Engineering
To know the laws that govern the winds, and to know that you know them,
will give you an easy mind on your voyage round the world, otherwise you
may tremble at the appearance of every cloud.